Industries Most Wanted Exclusive interview with Miss B


Thank you for taking time with us Miss B. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
I would love to introduce myself as Kendra better known as Miss B. I have been known around for a very long time just by putting my hands into a lot of things that would better describe who I am internally and externally. I would say that I am very alert and strong minded with almost anything that I choose to do in this life including still keeping a positive attitude and staying humble through it all. I am a wife, a college graduate of visual communications, a business owner / entrepreneur, a female host and promoter. I love to be true to self and being the best that I can be with every win and loss that may take place. No matter what I am a go getter and will never stop in anything that I put my mind too.

Tell us about life growing up in Huntsville, AL.
Growing up in Huntsville was nothing more than a lot of memories and turning points. I would say that I’ve have great times and I have also had some bad times but overall they all balanced out. Coming up I’ve gotten the chance to experience a lot of things from dance, cheerleading, music, hosting, promotion, to becoming a business owner etc. I made the city for what it was and I made the best out of it. Would I say the city is the best to ever live in I don’t know about that because of the mindset of the people but I will say that I would never trade being where I am from or turn my back on my city for anything because I was born and raised here and this is who I will always represent for. BAMA Southern Baby for life!

What inspired you to transition from being a female artist to a host and promoter in the entertainment industry?
To be honest, I never was inspired as far as transitioning into becoming a host / promoter from an artist, it all just sort of happened unexpectedly. I got introduced into it as an opportunity and after doing my first show in which my first artist I ever hosted was Young Dolph back in 2011, it opened up a door that I never knew I was capable of doing. So in the act one show led to another and they just kept coming after that and I ended up growing a passion for the field within the entertainment industry. I started making more money and grew in it rapidly so I just ran with what was making me successful and farther in my career.

How did you come up with the concept for Girl Code Fashion And Accessories, and what has been the most rewarding part of owning your own storefront?
The idea was brain stormed thoroughly to come up with something that women could gravitate too and not only feel good about themselves but look good as well. The concept was to bring a different light of fashion to the city of Huntsville, something that would be fun and attracting to the eye. I told myself what would be the best name for the store and GIRL CODE came to mind because every real woman know to always stick BY THE CODE by all means lol. I think the most rewarding thing about owning a store front business is that you can actually be hands on with helping people feel more confident about themselves and also the independency that comes along with having your own business. To add, it’s never a limit on how high you can go with having your own because you make your own rules and guidelines so you can move and take your own business to any level that you want.

You’ve hosted some major celebrity events—can you share a memorable experience that stands out from your career as a host?
As far as memorable events I have to say that I have experienced a lot of them that set the bar within my career but I do have two particular shows that highlighted who I was and that I had what it took to succeed in this industry. The first memorable moment was when I got the chance to host The Migos, Lil Durk and A Boogie concert at Von Braun Civic Center, this was actually my first big stage mainstream show that I have ever done and this particular show took place back in 2017. It was full blown interaction and I really had the crowd in my hands this night so it was definitely one to remember for sure! Lastly, my second memorable moment was when I hosted for Mulatto better known as Latto now in todays era. The stage for this show was also BIG with it being an outside carshow / concert event and the crowd was so full of energy and I engaged perfectly along with them! This show took place back in 2020. I honestly have touched a lot of stages big and small but out of all of them that I have done I would say that those were my favorite two so far.

Winning Best Female Host in Alabama twice is a big achievement. How has that recognition impacted your career and your future goals?
To win Best Female Host in Alabama twice was a huge accomplishment for me personally because it showed me that people really were paying attention to my movement and supported what I did. Did I ever expect to win this award twice no! So the first time that I won it was honestly a shock and surprise to me but I was beyond grateful for it all. By me winning this particular award it definitely placed me on a different level as far as the state, got me more attention and including more bookings. Still to this day people still look at me as one of the best female hosts within Alabama humbly. I never expected to get to that point in my career with hosting that I would start actually winning rewards but it happened! It just proved that I was on the right track and that I was in this space for a reason.

What challenges have you faced as a female entrepreneur and host, and how have you overcome them in the male-dominated entertainment industry?
Being a female in a male dominate industry was never easy. I feel like females have to work 2 to 3 times harder than a male because we are women and most of the time a male won’t take a woman that is in the same industry as them serious as they would males. My main goal when I decided to really try to pursue in this lane was just to keep it in they face, show them that I can do what they do if not better and stay consistent and on the job. To be honest, I had to start out doing things for free! And not only that I had to show myself being hungry for success but not greedy or needy. I demanded attention and moved my way up in it with my drive and determination not just with my appearance. I wanted my name to ring bells and when I rang those bells the respect came right after because they knew I was about my business. All it took was for me to get in the door and stay active and when I achieved and conquered that mission the rest was history. Then I started calling the shots lol.

You’ve mentioned expanding your entertainment business to include artist management and other ventures. What excites you most about these new opportunities?
I think I am more excited about the new opportunities with my entertainment business to simply be able to help others. The idea of putting something together to help put people in position to excel in their dreams or careers is what drives me to the state of mind to really get it in motion. It’s a lot of people that have amazing talent but they don’t have the right people in their corner to help lead them on the right path and I would love to be that person to do that for them. Not only do I want to help others become their best individually, I want to expand within my own personal adventures as well. I have so many ideas that I am planning to bring to the table that is not necessarily just under music, it’s other things that I feel would be a great asset to my brand all the way around but of course it’s other times for that conversation so I won’t say too much lol. I plan to achieve these goals I have for my entertainment business in a timely manner but I also want things to flow without force or rush to ensure that all plans succeed the limits beyond what I plan to set them at.

How has your journey in the industry influenced your vision for the future of entertainment in Huntsville and beyond?
My journey has set the tone within Huntsville. I feel like as a woman for me to succeed and do things that even a lot of males would love to do that is in the same field as me and haven’t is enough. Over the course of 10 plus years in this industry and to still be afloat and surviving with a name that is still standing strong after all these years, it just proved to me that anything is possible. I never knew that I could be looked at as a role model to people and when I became that after all the hard work I put into the business I felt superior and blessed. As generations tend to change rapidly and I am aware that I am getting older so my moves can’t be the same as I was in my 20s and early 30s because I have to grow with my age I feel, so the key was to be the one to set an example and to be the stepping stone for other younger girls that if they want to do what I did they can too long as they put the work in and for that reason I feel like I made my mark and placed a stamp within my city that will be unforgettable and always remembered.

Where can our readers follow you online?
Everyone can follow me on my main platforms bring ( Facebook: Kendra Barbie Fletcher – Pettway / Instagram: @missb256 / TikTok: missbthebarbie / Snapchat: @missbthebarbie ) For booking & inquires:
My Business Store front pages Facebook: Girl Code – Fashion And Accessories / Instagram: @girlcodefashionaccessories

Do you have any shout outs?
First and foremost I have to thank GOD for every ability and opportunity that he has sent my way because without him I am nothing and wouldn’t be who I am today without him. Thank you to my family and close friends for always believing in me and supporting me through anything that I choose to put my mind too. And last but not least S/O to Ken & my business partner with Bham Music Blog for pushing me to be the best person that I am capable of being and of course for coming together to put a dope project in action like Female Rap In Alabama 3.0 hosted by myself that is now streaming on LIVE MIXTAPES so everyone can go download and listen to it because it’s definitely hot and a taste of unity with female rappers from all over Alabama! Thank you Tampa Mystic for the opportunity and let’s keep setting an example for other women out there that want to do things and show that they can be whoever they set their minds to be in life I appreciate you!