Thank you for spending time with us DaphoDILL!
How did you discover that music is your passion?
I discovered this as a kid
How would you describe your style of music?
My music style it’s a mixture of a lot of things But mainly heartfelt emo music
Give us one male and one female musical influence/inspiration. And tell us why them?
One male would be Juice WRLD because he rocked the nation. A female would be Missy Elliott. She showed me individual style and personality.
Out of all the songs you’ve written, which one is the most personal for you and why?
InsaneAsylum. It came from a different place.
Are you interested in tapping into other genres? If so, which ones?
Yes. I would like to tap into rock and more pop music.
Tell us about the single you are currently pushing and where it’s available.
The single I am currently pushing it’s called Disguise and it is available everywhere on all platforms.
Are you currently in EP/album mode?
Yes, I am.
What’s been the biggest struggle or obstacle that you’ve overcome since pursuing Music?
Learning to stay in one’s own lane.
You were in the military, thank you for your service! What was that experience like for you?
It it was dreadful. Glad I’m not in anymore.
What else can we catch you doing when you are not creating music? Any hobbies?
Sleeping And eating.
Are there currently other business ventures that you are pursuing?
Not quite sure yet
What’s next for you?
More music on the way
Where can we keep up with you online?
Follow me on Instagram add @__daphodill__
What makes you the ‘Industries Most Wanted’?
Because I’m just me and that’s all that matters.